Safe and secure shelter is an essential building block to happiness. Unfortunately, with the current housing crisis, it has become apparent, now more than ever, how easy it is for people to lose their homes. Panhandle Warrior Partnership (PWP) was recently faced with this unfortunate situation when an unhoused veteran sought out resources and support through PWP.
Case Coordinator Thompson recently received a phone call from Mr. Cline, who was referred to PWP by a national partner. Cline, a Navy veteran (’93-’09), and his wife are currently unhoused. When he talked to Kenneth, Cline told him about how he used to own a trucking company but had recently fallen on hard times. He stated that he is currently working with the VA and the local Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) program. He has a Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUDVASH) voucher to obtain housing, but this process was not moving as urgently as needed. He also needed help getting his VA rating increased. Mr. Cline was doing all that he could, but it didn’t seem like it was enough.
After hearing his story, Case Coordinator Thompson immediately got to work in advocating for him to various resources. While working with these housing programs, Thompson also referred Clin to a local VFW Postmaster to initiate his disability increase claim process. The Postmaster provided Cline with information to set the process in motion. Cline thanked Thompson for all of his support, and is happily on his way to improving his quality of life.
Panhandle Warrior Partnership will continue to work with Cline and ensure he is provided with the resources he and his wife need to live a comfortable, stable life. We are proud to support veterans through times of crisis and into prosperity.
Too many veterans and their families are suffering – to the point of taking their lives. Our passionate donors empower the lives of veterans, their families, and caregivers through our upstream approach to reach a veteran before a crisis occurs.
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